POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : animation help : Re: animation help Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:55:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: animation help  
From: bob h
Date: 19 Dec 2001 04:39:52
Message: <3c206068@news.povray.org>
Ahhh yes, I see you have them offset from the tires.  Should only be a case
of translating them to origin then rotating and translating back again, or
easier still rotate first then place them.

"Ace" <ble### [at] icefognet> wrote in message
> yes thats what I wanted, I think :-) just not sure how to use it...

Since your car flies all that might be more than needed  ;-)

> All I really need is how to make the wheel turn around its center instead
> the center of the car.... I want to declare the axel as the center of the
> wheel.I posted 2 example in the animation group.one without the wheels
> turning, one with them turning. ignore the fact that the wheels are square
> ;-) sorry they run so fast.....

Yep, very difficult to watch.
Like I said, all you have to do is get the axles (axel is Middle English
apparently) on the origin <0,0,0> before rotating, as long as that step is
done and then they are translated to final position (unioned with car)
things should work as expected.

If you'd like to post that part of your animation script here it's easily
fixable if you can't get it right yourself.  But that's probably all you
need to know.  At least now you can also match the tires to the ground if
you wanted to do so... flat ground anyhow.
text{ttf"timrom""bob h"0,0pigment{rgb 7}translate 7*z}

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